This is another of my posts from my friends list of 20 topics he'd like to see people blog about. And as usual I will probably take it in a bit of a different direction, or at least right more than I probably should.
The first day I knew God was real was March 11, 1979. That was the day that His love pushed its way into the life of an almost 15 year old girl who was so depressed and lonely that she had considered taking her own life. Some people come to God out of a fear of dying and going to hell, or out of a sense of their own sin. But I was drawn by the love of the cross. I knew I had sinned, most people do. But that morning, in a small Baptist church, I understood for the first time that God, the God of creation, had become a human baby, lived a life just like us, and then died on a cross and rose again so that I could be with Him for all eternity. God so loved the world became God loved Kim. Not because she was pretty or talented or how smart she was, no I was none of these things. I was simply His creation, and He loved me. I didn't know all the theological words or explainations. I simply knew God loved me. And I knew it in a way I had never known anything, in the deepest part of my heart. I remember praying at an old fashioned alter. Then walking out to the car, I remember feeling light as if my feet weren't touching the ground, I remember the sky was more blue than I had ever seen, the leaves were so many shades of green, I was a new person.